Stefan Salewski wrote:

>Now we should try to find the reason for the jumping window content.

I will try to describe this bug more detailed:

The jump of the inner display occurs, when the mouse pointer touches the
border of the inner drawing area. It is not related to the sliders (at
right and bottom of the window, for panning.) Jump occurs also when I
move the mousepointer to the top window limit, beside the pulldown menu,
where no action element is located. The displayed area changed, and the
coordinates displayed in the upper window border reflect this position

If I press the right mouse button and do a minimal mouse movement
(minimal panning) the window content and the position display jumps back
to the correct value.

If I use the middle mouse wheel to change zoom, display will not jump
back to correct position.

The jump occurs if the pcb window is maximized or smaller.

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