DJ Delorie wrote:
>> For the time being, however, I don't see any reason not to stick to
>> using some sort of external helper programs for actually accessing
>> the database, as long as we can get the UI and basic Scheme API
>> nailed down.
> I've argued in the past that gattrib should be responsible for
> attributes, not gschem.
> And, there's no reason why the attributes need to be in the schematic!
> We can store them in the BOM.  There's a pleasing symmetry to it:
> gschem uses *.sym files to make *.sch
> gattrib uses db files to make *.bom
> pcb uses *.fp files to make *.pcb
> The only interesting change is to gsch2pcb, which needs to read a
> *.bom file in addition to the schematics.

I like this.   gattrib is a database editor of sorts.  Let's create a separate 
from gschem,
but callable as a pop up window from gschem, with interprocess comm, so it can 
be used GUI style
to update the schematic and BOM, with attribs in the BOM only.  Gattrib 
naturally runs alone
sometimes, such as when doing a change to many same parts, (sure, that can be 

John Griessen
not fond of UUIDs tying everything into one glob.
Ecosensory   Austin TX
tinyOS devel on:  ubuntu Linux;   tinyOS v2.0.2;   telosb ecosens1

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