I have been spending the evening hidding back here in my office puzzling
over eda data structure terminology for capturing the complexity of
devices. This is actually very cowerdly of me as I am avoiding my wife's
quilting bee which has taken over the rest of the house.

In trying to scope the data structure issue of describing components I
am pondering.

1) The project type. (board design, asic design, fpga design etc.) Would
the project type matter? Would different drc rules be applied? I think
so, comments please.

(this might be a good time to link in a project requirements document)

2) The situation where the designer has an idea that they need a
component of some type for example a JFET and but they haven't decided
which one. Here I suspect it would make sense to drop into the schematic
a generic JFET symbol with generic pins (gate, drain, source). I think
adding performance requirments would also support device selection
later. Is "generic device" an acceptable term for this state?

3) If the project is a circuitboard then before then before the netlist
can be generated at least the package has to be selected (passive) and
often the device (active).
A device complete with package and required values, manufacturor is
called a "component"? If the project is a circuit either asic or fpga
then generic types are probably going to be translated into standard
logic cells?

4) Before a board can be released to manufacturing all components and
values must be selected. But at this time a component must have a
manufacturor and a specific manufacturor part number. But a component
could have multiple manufacturors. Is "bom_entry" a good term for this
condition where a needed device could be a number of different
components all of them similar (same package, same performance) but
having different manufacturor part numbers and possibly different


Steve Meier

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