Dan McMahill wrote:
> By far the worst shock I've ever received was 23 years ago working on a 
> Fender Bassman that was unplugged.  I will *never* forget to discharge 
> caps again.  Especially ones charged up to 500 volts.  Thats one of 
> those mistakes you won't make twice.

Yep, that's a bad day, but you lived to talk about it, and pass on the

My worst shock came when I was working on a plasma etching machine. Had
to stick my head inside to take some voltage readings, found the
voltage, with my pinky finger, rather than the meter probe. That was
bad, but,,, trying to get away from that, I hit my head on the 440vac
contactor which was over my head. That HURT, and I was wearing a hat!

Told my boss he had choice, I was going outside and having a smoke, and
he could have the design engineer work on the problem, or, I was going
to find the blankety blank engineer, and pound him into the floor.

The engineer showed up, and after we got things working, he decided it
wasn't a good idea to put the 440 contactor on the roof of the cabinet,
and he moved it to one of the side walls.

I'm partly at fault here, I was taught in tech. school that usually the
shock won't hurt you, but getting away from it will. To prove the point,
 the teacher made the lecture while holding a live suicide cord.

I still find it amazing how old timers can predict the future.
Darryl Gibson N2DIY
Ubuntu, free software for everybody. (TM)
RLU X 182668/379552

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