Hello Ales,

this binary distribution runs fine on my lot of years old linux machine (based 
on Suse 8.1, the first gtk release i ever could try), at least gschem and pcb 
which i tried !


Ales Hvezda wrote:
> [[ Below is a msg I should have also sent to geda-user.  Thanks for any
>    feedback.  -Ales ]]
> ------- Forwarded Message
> From: Ales Hvezda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: gEDA-dev: Testing request for a binary distribution for the gEDA
>       Suite
> Hi,
> Over the past few years I've been experimenting and attempting to perfect
> a universal binary distribution of the gEDA Suite for i386 Linux.  I think
> I finally have something that should work for at least one other person
> than me.  Several points:
> * "Universal" means that is should run on any i386 Linux distribution
>   that was released after 2001.  
> * You shouldn't have to install any required gEDA dependencies.
>   You will need at least X installed and configured correctly.
> * You won't have to build anything and you should be able to just run
>   the programs "out-of-the-box".   That's the theory at least.
> * Included is a trivial shell based installer which should work on most
>   people's system.
> * Note, this binary distribution is highly experimental.  I will remove
>   it after a while and eventually replace it with something that should
>   work equally well or better (refactored and with newer versions of
>   the various program included).
> I'm sending out this e-mail because I would like people to try it out and
> let me know if it works for you.  I do expect there to be quirks here
> and there, so please report those as well.
> Temporary download location:
> ftp://geda.seul.org/pub/geda/misc/gedasuite-20080104.tar.bz2
> Size: 
> 11990608 bytes (~11 Mbytes)
> md5sum: 
> ba3185c780152b2c9f99795ad246c818  gedasuite-20080104.tar.bz2
> Please verify the checksum before running any of the programs.
> (Run: md5sum gedasuite-20080104.tar.bz2  and compare).
> Included gEDA Suite programs in this experimental binary distribution:
>       - gEDA/gaf PRERELEASE1-1.3.1  
>           This is a complete prerelease of 1.3.1 which is available in the
>           git repository.  The real 1.3.1 will be release later this week.
>       - gspiceui 0.8.90
>         An older version of gspiceui that I happen to have handy.
>         There will be an HTML encoding error when this program is
>         run, but the GUI should come up.  No guarantees beyond that
>         (the simulators are not installed).  I am including this in
>         this experimental dist since it is written in C++ and has a
>         non-trivial GUI using wxWidgets/GTK.
>       - pcb 20070912
>         I did notice that the log window and others start up a little
>         small, but pcb should run fine.  Also gsch2pcb should work as 
>         well.  Please test that too.
>       - Other programs will be added if people have some measurable
>         success with the above non-trivial programs.
> To install:
>       0) Download gedasuite-20080104.tar.bz2 from the above address.
>       1) Untar the gedasuite-20080104.tar.bz2 somewhere:
>          cd somewhere
>          tar xvfj gedasuite-20080104.tar.bz2
>       2) cd gedasuite-20080104
>       3) ./install.sh
>       4) Answer the two questions (desired installdir and confirm)
>       5) cd installdir/bin  (or add installdir/bin to your PATH)
>       6) Run ./gschem or ./pcb or ./gattrib or ./gspiceui or anything 
>          else in the bin directory.
> Please try it out and let me know if any problems running the programs.
> Thank you,
>       -Ales
> PS. All source tarballs and/or repository versions for this binary
>     distribution are available on the gEDA website.
> ------- End of Forwarded Message
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