On Monday 07 January 2008, Peter Clifton wrote:
> PS.. I usually use a text editor to make spice netlists, not
> because I don't find gschem capable enough.. it just doesn't
> always fit my way of working.

I use gschem for the circuit, but that is all. I make 
a "include" file for the models, then run the simulator either 
interactively or with a script.  I never use a GUI to make 
simulator commands.

The netlist file usually requires some editing.  "gnetlist" 
never gets it quite right.  This is one reason the gnucap 
project is considering a plugin to read gschem files directly.

As a teacher, I require students to learn how to use netlists 
and simulator commands directly.  If they want to use a GUI, 
that is their choice, provided that it doesn't get in the way, 
and they learn how to work without the GUI.  I show them the 
command line and text netlists first, then let them use a GUI 
if they want.  Students that start on a GUI often never learn 
to do anything non-trivial.

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