On Sat, 19 Jan 2008 20:24:42 +0000, a r wrote:

First of all: What do you refer to by "cell"? A schematic symbol, or a 
pcb footprint?

> 1. Library search path, or rather some kind of a project file that
> contains a list of libraries, is a good idea. 
There is a multitude of rc files that can be read on start-up of gschem 
or gsch2pcb. gafrc and gschrc can be definied on system, on user and on 
project level. My gafrc typically contains the following lines:

;(reset-component-library)   ; don't use system symbols
;(reset-source-library)     ; don't use system footprints

; Allow to source symbols from the current working directory
(define current-working-directory (getenv "PWD"))
(component-library current-working-directory)
(source-library  current-working-directory)

(source-library "/home/kmk/lilalaser/geda/kmk-pcb")

(component-library "/home/kmk/geda/kmk-sym")
(component-library "/home/kmk/geda/kmk-sym/analog")
(component-library "/home/kmk/geda/kmk-sym/digital")
(component-library "/home/kmk/geda/kmk-sym/connector")
(component-library "/home/kmk/geda/kmk-sym/analog/diode")
(component-library "/home/kmk/geda/kmk-sym/misc")
(component-library "/home/kmk/geda/kmk-sym/titleblock")
(component-library "/home/kmk/geda/kmk-sym/power")

> 2. Component browser (and file open dialog) should display all
> defined libraries and all cells from these libraries should be 
> accessible. 

This is already the case.

> 3. Cell name conflicts should be resolved by: 
>       a) searching in the current library (i.e. one that 
>       contains a referencing/parent cell),

I don't quite get, what you mean by "current library".

>       b) if (a) fails, by searching in other libraries in 
>       the order defined in the library search path or a 
>       project configuration file.

This is how library search is done right now.

Kai-Martin Knaak

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