On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 10:24:40AM +0100, Klaus Rudolph wrote:
> >   git clone git://git.gpleda.org/gaf.git
> >   cd gaf
> >   make install  # To install in $HOME/geda
> >   -- or --
> >   make prefix=<somewhere> install # To install elsewhere
> > 
> >   git pull      # To get new changes
> > 
> Will that result in actual development status or will I get the latest 
> release-versions from the tools/libs? If this is the actual development
> status, how can I get the last release?

You can get the last release with:

git checkout -b test_1.4 1.4.0-20080127

This will create a new branch (test_1.4) with the state of the
tree at the time of 1.4.0 release. You can switch to any release
this way:

git checkout -b branch_name tag_name

where tag_name is a release tag (see the output of 'git tag -l').
Note that branch_name can be anything you want since it is your local
branch, which you can safely delete when you don't need it anymore
(git branch -d branch_name).

Ivan Stankovic, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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