Hi, almost thee.  My Makefile generated all the dot.ps files like it
should.  I generated all the dot.pdf files one at a time using ps2pdf
and they are really fine looking schematics.  It failed to generate a
schematic_all_pages.ps file and went off course from then on.
        Regards Ian.

Make error
ps2pdf schematic_all_pages.ps schematic_all_pages.pdf
Error: /undefinedfilename in (schematic_all_pages.ps)
Operand stack:

./PS_merge.pl all.ps Sheet01.ps Sheet02.ps Sheet03.sch produced a lot of
text on the screen but that was all.

all: schematic_all_pages.pdf

schematic_all_pages.ps: Sheet01.ps Sheet02.ps Sheet03.ps Sheet04.ps
Sheet05.ps Sheet06.ps Sheet07.ps Sheet08.ps Sheet09.ps Sheet10.ps
Sheet11.ps Sheet12.ps Sheet13.ps
        ./PS_merge.pl -o$@ $^

%.pdf: %.ps
        ps2pdf $< $@

%.ps : %.sch
        gschem -p -o $@ -s /usr/local/gEDA/share/gEDA/scheme/print.scm $<

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