On Feb 11, 2008, at 12:06 PM, Stefan Salewski wrote:

> Hello,
> some of my own symbols im my project directory have identical names as
> symbols in /usr/share/gEDA, so gschem reports
> "Mehr als ein Bauteil mit dem Namen [in-1.sym] gefunden"
> Yes, I asked the same question in October 2007:
> http://archives.seul.org/geda/user/Oct-2007/msg00165.html
> I am still not sure if this is only a status report (which I can  
> ignore)
> or an important warning.
> I have a file gafrc in my project directory:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/gEDA/DAD $ cat gafrc
> (component-library "../gschem-sym")
> (component-library "../imported-symbols")
> My symbols with identical names are in "../gschem-sym", and
> it seems that gschem gives my own symbols precedence -- fine.
> I am not sure what other programs like gsch2pcb do. gschem2pcb reports
> nothing about duplicate symbol names.
> In the past I have deleted all duplicate files in /usr/share/gEDA.  
> But I
> have do do it again whenever I install a new geda suite. Maybe I  
> should
> rename my own symbols?

For my project symbols, I use names that cannot clash with library  
symbols because they violate the naming convention (no -number). That  
way, I don't have to worry.

> So my question is: Can I ignore the gschem report about duplicate
> symbols (and live with these duplicates)?
> Best regards
> Stefan Salewski
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