I recently met the writer of this web site page at a VC/recruiter/IP-company 
beer-enhanced employee dragnet in Austin TX:


He says he attempts to present the straight facts, so please do not attack
if you see some point of difference, just point it out.  He'll probably fix it 

He was not aware of gEDA tools and is thinking about putting at least a 
paragraph about gEDA in his
web site page, so don't knock it!   I think his write up is a good 
thought-focusing-point for
deciding how to make overall software tools like gEDA -manager, for instance.

I'm learning css and reST-markup-to-HTML-generating-from-an-outline so I'm 
going to be
outputting more web published writing faster-sooner too.  Maybe next week 

John Griessen
Ecosensory   Austin TX

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