On Sun, 2008-04-13 at 22:45 +0100, Peter Clifton wrote:
> On Sun, 2008-04-13 at 17:14 -0400, Ian Chapman wrote:
> > Hi,
> >     using PCB version 20080202 I did a fair bit of my layout and was asked
> > to make some large changes to the schematic.  After updating the
> > schematic "gschem version" I ran gsch2pcb a few times
> > after fixing my share of typos.  When at last I came to load the new.pcb
> > file to past buffer I got this error.
> > 
> > ERROR parsing file '/home/stanley82/Artwork/Controller/CPLD.new.pcb'
> >     line:        553
> >     description: 'syntax error'
> > 
> >     Digging into new.pcb using gedit line 553 gives "FileVersion[20070407]"
> > 
> >     Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this or should I simply
> > junk the existing layout work and start with an empty sheet?
> Are you using "File->Load element data to paste-buffer", or
>               "File->Load layout data to paste-buffer" ?
Load layout data to paste-buffer
> (You want the later, and may get errors if you try the former).
> Your existing layout should be in CPLD.pcb, with elements which are to
> be added being dropped into CPLD.new.pcb.
CPLD.pcb still loads fine.  The problem is the syntax error when I try
to load CPLD.new.pcb.
> If CPLD.pcb loads OK, you can probably move CPLD.new.pcb away, and
> re-run gsch2pcb to try to get it to re-add any missing elements.
Good suggestion, I deleted it and ran gsch2pcb unfortunately I still 
get the syntax error.  I usually get this error loading the dot.pcb 
for the first time due to an error in one of the new footprints.  I've
not seen this fileversion thing in a dot.pcb before.
> In any case, take a backup of the project directory before trying to fix
> this.
> Best wishes,

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