On Sun, 04 May 2008 16:34:19 +0100, Peter Clifton wrote:

> BTW.. Please take a play and see what fonts you like. Search for "Sans"
> in o_text.c.

I can't find "sans" or "Sans" in o_text.c 
grep for "Sans" over the whole pcjc2 dir, returns the localename  
"Sanscrit" ;-)

Maybe you meant some other branch?

> Yes, it helps lots over the case where I was rendering text using lines
> (old code, converted to cairo lines). The main thing is that you have up
> to 26 x 2 + (extras) glyphs to render for each size you zoom to. That
> can take time a noticable time, and is one of the things limiting the
> zoom frame-rate.

Isn't it possible to do all the glyph rendering in advance for a couple 
of zoom stages? Or even pre-render the whole schematic. I suspect my 3D-
CAD application, varicad, plays these tricks to achieve amazingly fast 
zoom for thousands of polygons even on a moderate desktop.

Kai-Martin Knaak

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