Good day!
I'm just a NB in Verilog design, sorry if my question is too stupid :)

I've started with free Xilinx ISE, but now i'm trying to do my best to
take part in icarus verilog community.

I became familiar with IV modelling system, but synth restrain my activity
- i get strange error with the simplest module:

module D (clk, reset, out, in);
   input clk, reset, in;
   output out;
   reg    out;

   always @ (negedge clk)
     if (reset)
       out <= 1'b0;
       out <= in;


iverilog -tfpga test.v
test.v:7: sorry: Forgot to implement NetCondit::synth_sync
test.v:6: error: Unable to synthesize synchronous process.
2 error(s) in post-elaboration processing.

Where is my mistake? What should i read to understand my problem?

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