On Wed, 4 Jun 2008 09:55:26 +0000 (UTC)
Kai-Martin Knaak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am curious, just how heterogeneous the group of geda users and 
> developers is. So I thought, I'd start this little non-random sample
> poll in the mailing list:
> * What OS do you run geda applications on?

Debian GNU/Linux Stable

> * How did you install your copy of geda apps?

Get sources from webpage, compile, enjoy.

> * Which apps do you use. What is your typical workflow?

gschem -> dbsym_update.pl -> gattrib -> gsch2pcb -> pcb -> gerbv
                                     -> bomer.pl -> firefox

Everything is trigered from Makefile(s), and supported by a MySQL database.

> * Did you (have to) modify portions of geda to suit your needs?

No, just written perl scripts and Makefiles.

> * What is the general flavor of your projects? (analog, digital, HF)

Audio, MCU and friends <50MHz, HF (amateur radio)

> * (add your favorite question here)
> ---<(kaimartin)>---
> -- 
> Kai-Martin Knaak
> http://lilalaser.de/blog
> _______________________________________________
> geda-user mailing list
> geda-user@moria.seul.org
> http://www.seul.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/geda-user

Levente Kovacs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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