> * What OS do you run geda applications on?
>    Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) on Athlon 1700+

> * How did you install your copy of geda apps?
>    from repositories

> * Which apps do you use. What is your typical workflow?
>    gschema, gattrib(very usefull but quirky), gnetlist for DRC, BOM, and  
> then to PADS netlist)
      I have only done two boards and started a third. Layouts done by a  
third party. I have not tried PCB yet.

> * Did you (have to) modify portions of geda to suit your needs?
>    Have not yet but plan to make some changes in the user interface,  
> mouse actions.

> * What is the general flavor of your projects? (analog, digital, HF)
>    mixed analog/digital


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