On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 9:46 PM, Peter Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-06-24 at 21:25 -0400, Gregg Levine wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I just downloaded and extracted the currently available binary, which is:
>> 0.0.2, and the readme for it suggested that I bring issues here.
>> I also installed it accordingly for regular users, and opened a
>> terminal and logged into it via the user thus selected. (I suspect
>> I'll need to actually log into the system using the user I chose.....)
>> However here is what the system told me:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/geda-0.0.2/bin$ ./geda
>> /usr/local/geda-0.0.2/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/__init__.py:72:
>> GtkWarning: could not open display
>>   warnings.warn(str(e), _gtk.Warning)
>> Warning: Failed to load gettext translations
>> /usr/local/geda-0.0.2/lib/geda-xgsch2pcb/gui.py:50: Warning: invalid
>> (NULL) pointer instance
> ...
>> Now this is a KDE interface, as my distribution gave up on Gnome
>> something like two to three releases previously.
> I'm surprised this would be the error messages you get if GTK wasn't
> working, but that does look like a possibility. (Or a strange version of
> PyGTK).
> Gnome is not required for any of gEDA, just GTK. If GTK works for
> gschem, gattrib etc.., then it "should" be possible to make it work with
> the Python based tools. If not, then you may just have to start the
> tools individually from the command line.
> BTW.. what distro is this?
> --
> Peter Clifton
> Electrical Engineering Division,
> Engineering Department,
> University of Cambridge,
> 9, JJ Thomson Avenue,
> Cambridge
> CB3 0FA
> Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)

It happens this is Slackware. I've been a confirmed user of Slackware
for the past nine years having given up on Red Hat for my work.

"This signature was once found posting rude
 messages in English in the Moscow subway."

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