Bert Timmerman wrote:
Hi Kai-Martin, Teodor and all,

On Wed, 2008-07-16 at 23:38 +0000, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
On Tue, 15 Jul 2008 16:14:05 +0300, Robas, Teodor wrote:

The following is a list of improvements I would like too see/have/maybe

1. Footprint alternatives.
Yes. This is one of my favorite feature requests too. Just like you I saw the value of this kind of lists while using protel.

2. An even nicer improvement wold be to have the footprint preview
directly into gschem,
Where would you put that?

<deleted original message from here>

FWIW, I can imagine having a use for a preview when selecting a
footprint in the attribute editor if the footprint= attribute is
selected with a file chooser widget.

So basically, when the above situation is at hand (the selection process
of a footprint with the attribute editor), one could be bothered with a
file chooser dialog to select the footprint file name (when and if a
newlib footprint file) not for the sake of loading the footprint file,
just for the sake of selecting a valid and existing *.fp filename (and
maybe its path since newlib files can be stored anywhere in the file
system nowadays, the file chooser dialog gives the path as a bonus if
you bother to ask for it).

Just another EUR 0.02

Kind regards,

Bert Timmerman.

geda-user mailing list

Actually, what I had in mind with the 'footprint preview in gschem',
was to extend the "Edit Atributes" dialog to the left/right or bottom.
In that space can be placed a drop down list box and a canvas
(the name of that preview surface ??) for preview.

When a footprint is selected from that list, the respective footprint is
shown, and the footprint attribute value is filled automaticaly (if it is emty,
because I do not want to delete what I wrote in the atribute box)

Poping up yet another dialog can be annoying when is not needed.

I do not have a solution for how to preview a footprint filled in the
attribute box that is not in that dropdown list. Maybe a button ?

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