On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 5:41 PM, James Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What milling machine / software are you using?

We use the Windows only CircuitCAM software at school. In Altium I had
to add a new polygon with a 30mil clearance. This is only a school
rule and the pcb's are not going into production if this rule is not
met :)

> Of course, I routinely keep copper on many of my PCBs for things like ground
> / power planes.  Usually I put ground on the bottom and keep signals on the
> top as much as possible; it's worked for me so far for the relatively simple
> PCBs I've done so far.

How you connect a polygon to the GND layer? A polygon connected to GND
would also needing a clearance to signal layers. I think this would be
the same problem. On which layer do you draw the top-layer routes?

In the Altium software and OrCAD there were always a TopLayer,
BottomLayer, TopOutline etc. , but in PCB I don't fully understand the
naming schema.


> --James
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Bortis
> Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 15:22
> To: geda-user@moria.seul.org
> Subject: gEDA-user: PCB: rectangular polygons and route clearance in pcb-gtk
> Hi,
> I try to draw my first PCB with the gEDA Tools. So far everything has
> worked and the Layout is almost finished.
> For the last stage it is required for me to add a massive cooper
> polygon over the pcb, because our milling machine would not be happy
> to mil all the copper away.
> The tool makes a perfect clearance around the pad's, but not arround the
> routes.
> Has anyone an idea what i could change? Eventually I have done
> something wrong with the layer because I don't really understand the
> palette from solder over component, ... , silk, ..., to solder mask. I
> have drawn the routes on the component layer.
> The next problem is, how can I add pcb-outlines, fiducial marks and
> add the (0,0) coordinate?
> If someone has some general tips that are related to pcb and milling
> machines I would be happy also.
> Regards
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