On Sat, 04 Oct 2008 17:17:24 +0200, Duncan Drennan wrote:

Most of your points remind me of my own first steps in gschem/pcb. It 
would be nice to newbies, if they could be rectified in some way

> The BOM that PCB generates is far nicer than the BOM that gschem
> generates. The PCB BOM has one type of item per line with all the
> corresponding refdes', while gschem creates a line per refdes. Having a
> PCB style BOM generator in gschem would be useful (unless I'm missing
> something?)

Different styles of BOM backends are available. Some of them assemble the 
similar components in one line, some don't. 
see http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:faq-attribs?s=bom

Kai-Martin Knaak

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