On Fri, 2008-10-10 at 21:23 +0200, Bert Timmerman wrote:
Cool beans!  I've looked at the code (very briefly) and have a few
questions.  See below.  
> Hi Mike,
> On Fri, 2008-10-10 at 09:21 -0500, Mike Crowe wrote:
> >     Hi all
> > 
> > Another question for the group.  
> > 
> > Is anyone working on a tool or know how to import a pcb layout to an
> > IGES file?
> > 
> I've made a start with a DXF exporter for pcb, not an IGES exporter :)
> since the DXF file format is well known.
I've fooled around with DXF formats in the past, but didn't find it to
be very stable as the there seemed to be several versions of DXF
floating around.  That being said, a partially built car is better than
nothing at all :-)
> The sources can be found here:
> http://github.com/bert/pcb-dxf-hid/tree/master
> It's not in a very complete state, let's say halfway, it compiles and
> sometimes segfaults.
It appears that this is a module for PCB.  I was thinking of a separate
application that reads the PCB file directly.  What development
advantage is there to having this application be a module for PCB?
> Currently I have no time to debug the code as I'm very busy with
> modifications to the house: extension, new kitchen, etc.
I know how that goes.  Seems to be my life as well.
> That will keep me busy until most of December I guess.
> Kind regards,
> Bert Timmerman.
> > So how about it.  Anyone have this tool half built?
> > 
> > Thanks in advance
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