I'm new to gEDA PCB etc. I use archlinux + awesome window manager which I have 
configured to rely heavily on the Mod4, 
also known as 'Windows' key, but regardless I think this is an annoyance no 
matter the WM environment.

Whenever I press a modifier + key combination _not_ used by PCB, it opens the 
'PCB Log' window, and switches focus to 
it. For a tiling WM this means it rearranges everything else on the desktop im 
working in and is otherwise a real PITA.

I've looked into code and have a hackish solution, which is to simply ignore 
unknown keysyms.

--- a/src/hid/gtk/gui-output-events.c   2008-10-13 10:40:20.000000000 -0700
+++ b/src/hid/gtk/gui-output-events.c   2008-10-13 10:39:47.000000000 -0700
@@ -506,9 +506,6 @@

-  if (handled == FALSE)
-    gui->log ("keysym %d (0x%x) has not been defined\n", ksym, ksym);
    return handled;

but this is very lame, Id rather have it log without triggering an event. I 
assume there is already a function to append 
a string to the pcb log without causing a popup? anyone can shed light on this 
I'd very much appreciate it. Maybe there 
is a way to solve this with a pcbrc or something?

ty, perry

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