have a key mapped to add selected/over to current routing net.

this way you add the via, sub trace, plane to the current net.

have this key also update the auto-drc to allow that freshly added  
component to be not avoided.


On Oct 15, 2008, at 11:20 AM, Ben Jackson wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 04:43:59PM +0200, Stefan Salewski wrote:
>> Currently I am connecting a RAM chip to an FPGA. Often I place vias
>> first, and then connect traces to these vias. If"Auto enforce DRC
>> clearance" is active, I can not connect traces to these "lonesome"  
>> vias,
>> so I have to deactivate "Auto enforce DRC clearance".
> Depending on which direction you are routing you can sometimes work  
> around
> this by mousing over where you want to go and hitting 'f' which will  
> 'find'
> that net which is then something you can bump into by auto-DRC rules.
> As for temporarily defeating auto-drc to a via, I had considered  
> it.  My
> conclusion was that you could only allow direct (x,y exactly at the  
> center
> eg due to snapping) connection because otherwise you could "graze" the
> lone via unintentionally.
> -- 
> Ben Jackson AD7GD
> http://www.ben.com/
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