Duncan Drennan wrote:
>> Why do you include PNG in openoffice document -- can OO not handle PDF
>> or EPS? I would use that (LaTeX), PNG only for web pages (SVG may be
>> still better for web pages of course).
> OOo supports EPS files, but not importing PDF as an image (maybe there
> is an extension?) The problem actually arises out of the way the OOo
> PDF exporter works. If you insert an eps image into OOo, it does not
> display (unless the image has a preview). When you print, the eps
> image does print correctly, but when you export to PDF then the
> preview of the image is exported. So if there is no preview you get a
> red outline block with the filename, and if there is you get the low
> quality preview.

OO does not import EPS files well, sometimes not at all. I've tried 
exactly that, importing gschem excerpts into text documents and got 
horrible results until I went via a graphics converter first.

> Using pdfcreator as a printer works well, but it doesn't output the
> links in the document correctly (arg), and so
> round-and-round-and-round we go.
> I'll give John's Makefile method a go and see how that goes.

I found that Gimp works well. Somebody in Europe called that "driving a 
nail with a jack hammer" but, oh well, it works and Gimp came with 
Ubuntu. IOW you need some program that can take EPS and convert it to 
something more popular but with adequate resolution. PNG in 300 dpi 
works quite well for schematics. Small files, pristine resolution in a 
Word or OO document.

Regards, Joerg


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