On Oct 20, 2008, at 4:54 AM, Peter Wiley-Cordone wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am an engineer that's new to gEDA.  I recently purchased a macbook
> and have installed gEDA on it.  Does anyone have any tips on using
> gEDA on the Mac?

A wheel mouse is a bit handier than the Mac trackpad for gEDA,  
although I often use the trackpad in tight places (sketching out  
designs on plane flights). Other than that, I move back and forth  
between Mac and Linux for gEDA without any difficulty.

> Also, I'm somewhat new to SPICE simulation.  Does anyone have any
> recommendations on any books/links to come up to speed with using  
> Peter
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John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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