On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 10:01:29AM -0500, John Griessen wrote:
> Steve M. Robbins wrote:
> > My dilemma is: for design purposes I'd like to create a nice simple
> > circuit diagram of the kind created by pschem; however, for actually 
> > building the device I need a second diagram showing the terminal blocks
> > and connections between them.  I'm leery of maintaining two separate
> > diagrams and would like to have the second generated semi-automatically
> > from the first, much like the PCB layout is generated from the schematic.
> Sounds like you want to recheck the second schematic against the first netlist
> so no connection errors are made by having two schematics and netlists?

If I have to maintain two schematic diagrams then, yes, I'd appreciate having
some way of checking that no wire is missed between the two.


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