I am trying to step through the tutorial at

I got down to the part:
Create schematic: one.sch
If you are using gschem for the first time, try stepping through this
simple gschem warmup.

one.sch Run gschem one.sch and create this schematic (the second opamp
is redundant, but this is just a tutorial):

        Add components:
                From the analog library three resistor-1.sym and two
                From the io library one output-2.sym.
                From the power library one gnd-1.sym, two vcc-1.sym and
                two vee-1.sym


There is no "analog library" I finally found resistor-1.sym and
dual-opamp-1.sym in the "Basic devices" library.

There is no io library. I found output-2.sym in "Input/Output (Basic)"
library. (This was not as hard to find as the first one.)

There is no power library. It is called Power rails library.


Next problem:
The tutorial says:


Move components with the middle mouse button and rotate selected
components by hitting keys er until everything is placed nicely. Rotate
the bottom opamp and mirror it with the ei keys.


Maybe it is because I have a mouse wheel on my mouse. But my mouse has a
right button, a left button and a mouse wheel that can spin, or you can
click it like a middle button.

When I clock on an object with the mouse wheel (like a middle button)
everything moves including the frame. The only way I can figure out to
move an object is to select it by left clicking above the left corner of
the symbol, and dragging the mouse while still pressed to the lower
right of the symbol, to select the symbol, then try to place the mouse
pointer where the square boxes denoting pieces of the symbol ends are
not, and left clicking to drag the object. This is not so bad with the
output symbol or the dual op-amp, but is a PITA for resistors. Because
the space between the blocks is so small. It seems like the symbol
elements are not grouped together. Why does this not work like the
tutorial, which I assume is for beginners like me, says it should?

The output-2.sym, gnd-1.sym, vcc-1.sym and vee-1.sym are able to move by
left clicking on it once to select it, then left click on it, and hold
while moving it. Why does the resistor-1.sym and dual-opamp-1.sym not
work that way? 

This is not a very productive interface to work with for the resistors
and op-amps. If I accidentally click on the resistor like I do with the
gnd-1.sym it moves just one line of the resistor symbol, or one end of
one of the lines.

Next Problem:

The tutorial says:


The large frame of the titleblock is a component too. It has been locked
for convienience to prevent the mouse from catching it all the time. To
unlock it, select it by dragging with left mouse button held down and
press [e - shift-L]. You can find title blocks with different sizes in
the default library. Remember, to lock the new title block with [el]
while the title block is selected.


I can not figure out what this is supposed to accomplish. I see no
difference with [e - shift-L] and [el]. I do not think it is working for


Kipton Moravec AE5IB
"Always do right; this will gratify some people and astonish the rest."
--Mark Twain

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