I take that back. Some of the lines are there, but they seem the size of
the rats nest lines. How do I display them so they look like a trace
with the correct width?

On Sun, 2008-10-26 at 08:12 -0500, Kipton Moravec wrote:
> I am trying to follow the tutorial 
> http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:gsch2pcb_tutorial#layout_pcb_files
> I am in the section Replace Rats Nest with Routes.
> I am trying to draw a trace but I can not see it.
> If I select line and different route styles I can see outlines of
> different size traces as I draw, but it disappears when I am done.
> The tutorial shows a line in the picture.
> I am drawing on the component layer. Is that the right one?
> The tutorial is not clear about the layers. It does not say what all the
> layers are for.
> The PCB log says the following:
> Importing PCB
> netlist /home/backup/Work/dogtracker/Collar_gEDA/SimpleExample/board.net
> 9 rat lines remaining
> keysym 114 (0x72) has not been defined
> 9 rat lines remaining
> 9 rat lines remaining
> 9 rat lines remaining
> 9 rat lines remaining
> keysym 65366 (0xff56) has not been defined
> 2 rat lines remaining
> 2 rat lines remaining
> 2 rat lines remaining
> 2 rat lines remaining
> 2 rat lines remaining
> I have no idea what is wrong.
Kipton Moravec AE5IB
"Always do right; this will gratify some people and astonish the rest."
--Mark Twain

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