On Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 07:42:56PM +0000, Peter Clifton wrote:
> Either teach gsch2pcb to spot these and complain (short term), or in the

Absolutely.  It should always have done that.  :-/

> Bonus points for some heuristic which can spot if the PCB file obviously
> just contains one element, and adds a single-click "fix this problem"
> button to the resulting dialog box.

Or maybe provide a less obscure and error-prone way to create the
footprints in the first place, since no one seems to be able to do any
real work without creating at least a few of the things?

Myself, I've always found it 'way less trouble to create footprints by
editing the file as text.  I've done more symbols that way than
t'other, too, but that was partly because I started with footprints and
didn't realize that gschem has more usable support for doing that in
the GUI.  Still, if I were creating a simple variation on an existing
symbol (most any heavy symbol), I think I'd still find the text editor
more productive.

One lesson I've learned from my years as Linux's hood ornament is that
there's something worse: some folks can't be content to just take things
too seriously on their own.  They're not happy unless they can convince
others to go along with their obsession.  -- Linus

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