On Sat, 08 Nov 2008 16:47:20 +0100
Stefan Salewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Am Samstag, den 08.11.2008, 16:35 +0100 schrieb Stefan Salewski:
> > This should not occur.
> Tested -- works fine with gEDA 1.4 on gentoo linux.
I use gEDA/gschem Version on arch linux. To view post script I 
use gv 3.6.5. 

> One reason may be: Default printing option is something like "All With
> borders" (here Alles mit Rand). This should work fine. If you select
> "Without borders" your printer may have trouble to print very near to
> paper border. Preview with PDF viewer should be OK too in this case.

All with borders (btw. bei mir heisst es auch alles mit Rand :) ), is the 
option whose borders are to wide for me. 
So I use without borders. Maybe I can decrease the size of the borders in 
gschemrc ? This would be a solution.


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