Next ten items on my geda fuss list:

11) pcb feature request: Remember the position of ripped off menus 
across sessions. I have the luxury of working with two monitors. So, I 
like to keep frequently used menus like "settings" open on the second 
monitor. However, I have to rearrange this personal preference whenever I 
start a session.

12) pcb usability request: A simple way to detect the net of a copper 
object. (Currently, I use the line tool and pretend to draw a track)

13) pcb usability suggestion: Replace [j] with [SHIFT-j] to set [CTRL-j] 
to clear the join flag. Rationale: A simple [j] is too easily pressed 
by accident. There is no visual feedback about the join flag. This 
makes the toggle action a stab in the dark. Better explicitely set or 
clear the flag.

14) gsch2pcb/gnetlist feature request: Tell the user about the status of 

15) pcb feature request: Add setflag/clrflag(...,join) to the menu

16) pcb usability request: Do restricted move when control modifier is 
pressed during the action. This kind of modifier is used by many graphics 
GUIs. (e.g. inkscape, dia, oodraw)   

17)  pcb feature request: Add an option to show the current DRC clearence 
of objects already on the canvas.

18) pcb wart: rats dont't always go to the nearest end point of a track. 
Sometimes the far end of the track is chosen.

19) pcb usability request: Panning speed should scale with the deviation 
of the mouse from the viewport. Currently, panning speed is fixed. 
Depending on circumstances,  this either too slow or too fast to be 

20)  pcb usability request: ESC while in Line tool mode should end  
drawing and return to the state before starting the track.(like inkscape)

21) gschem feature request: Go down schematic with double click to ease 
navigation of hierarchical designs. Do up schematic with double click 
somewhere on the canvas. This would allow for fast and convenient travel 
through trees of hierarchical design.

Kai-Martin Knaak

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