Peter Clifton wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-12-26 at 18:03 -0800, David Griffith wrote:
>> Wasn't there talk some time ago about fully auditing the stock set of 
>> gschem symbols and pcb footprints?  I'm frequently stumbling over 
>> contradictions and I think now would be a good time to chuck out the old 
>> m4 stuff once and for all.
> There was talk, but not specifically of an audit. It was more a re-think
> of what symbols are shipped as part of the main geda-symbols package,
> and whether we could move some of the existing ones to a -contrib
> package.
> There has been no talk about this for PCB, although some care there
> couldn't hurt.
> Biggest "-1" vote I can swing on the suggestion to "chuck out the old m4
> stuff".

can you be more specific?  There are actually quite a lot of decent 
footprints in there.  For example all of the 2 pin passives in surface 
mount should be well represented and conform to IPC recommendations.  As 
far as I know all of the *QFN, SOIC, *QFP, *SOP, footprints are fine as 
well.  This makes up a pretty large collection of footprints.

I think the bigger problem is hooking the correct gschem symbol to the 
correct pcb footprint and making sure the pinouts match.

> There are actually a load of good footprints in that lot, and they make
> up about 90% of the symbols I actually use.
> If we had to chuck anything out, we should look towards the shipped
> "newlib" ones in PCB. IMO, they form a completely incoherent and mostly
> useless set.

totally agreed.  In fact I'll probably do that before too long.

> M4 is one of many ways we can define a series of footprints to be
> generated using a script / macro. There is nothing "wrong" with them,
> and no one forces you to use M4 at run-time any more.
Right, and the footprints generated via m4 are the ones that have been 
tested the most.


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