On Sun, 28 Dec 2008, der Mouse wrote:

> > [Electrolytics] can explode pretty violently, so let me tell you a
> > story.  [...785V on a 450V cap...serious dent in plaster...]
> My exploding cap story is not quite so impressive, but I know I
> certainly found it convincing.

Neither is mine. When learning about switch mode (boost) supplies, I got
it wrong, and my circuit made near 1000 volts instead of 200. (The MOSFET
only had a Vds of 500 volts, too, but I must have had a good one).

Since I had my multimeter hooked up and it immediately went off scale high
on the 1000 volt DC setting, I quickly yanked the supply. The capacitor
didn't actually explode, but it certainly smelled bad and was bulging
quite a bit. IIRC, it was rated 450V.

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