The stock libgeda supports net type or bus type pins. I would just make
it an option when editing a pin. Make the default type a net type.
Current gschem behavior of a bus type not being able to connect to a net
is fine


Steve Meier

On Fri, 2009-01-02 at 20:48 +0000, Peter Clifton wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-12-26 at 09:10 -0800, steve meier wrote:
> > one last thought.
> > 
> > If you want to use hierarchical buses then you have to be able to set a
> > symbols pin type to being a bus type.
> > 
> > The one mod that I would love to see in gschem is the ability to set the
> > pin type when editing a pin. I have done this for a couple of versions
> > of gschem in the past.
> > 
> > You can also use a text editor to set the pin type in the symbol file.
> I'll try to get this fixed for the next development snapshot. I've got
> some code which fixes up the drawing of bus type pins to make them, and
> their cues fatter.
> There is also the updated logic to allow gschem to recognise the
> connection between a bus pin and a bus, disallowing net->bus pin
> connections etc..
> I'm almost done with the above changes, however I'm not so sure where to
> stash the option for switching a pin to / from being a bus pin.
> Since the stock gnetlist doesn't grok buses, I don't want to make it
> _too_ obvious, so that we don't mislead users into thinking they will
> get connectivity by this method.
> Shortcut key?
> Menu item?
> Context (popup / right click) menu item?
> One other idea I was toying with was the possibility of extending /
> specialising the multi-attribute editor to edit more properties of an
> object.

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