On Tue, 2009-01-13 at 06:56 -0800, Joerg wrote:
> Stuart Brorson wrote:
> > Hi Joerg --
> > 
> > It's fun to see that you're back on the geda e-mail lists!  Welcome
> > back!  We thought you had defected to Kicad.   :-(
> > 
> To be honest I don't think I'll switch to gEDA. The refdes and slot 
> mix-ups are certainly surmountable but I found over the last couple 
> months that Linux is not my cup of tea. I did leave it all on the PC 
> though, going back to it on occasion and I think the idea behind all 
> this is great.

That's fair enough.

For those who can't / don't want to dual boot, I've been working from
time to time (based on the great efforts of Cesar Strauss), to build
test a Windows port of the gEDA tools. Since there are still more issues
to resolve there (compared to the Unix version), this has not yet been

At some point in the future, when its polished enough, and we've
resolved the potential support / community issues, it may be made
available more formally.

Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)

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