On Jan 14, 2009, at 12:44 PM, Joerg wrote:

> John Doty wrote:
>> On Jan 13, 2009, at 5:12 PM, r wrote:
>>> BTW, analog IC guys long since have given up using implicit power
>>> connections
>> Another sweeping statement from a narrow point of view, I think. A
>> counter-example is in order:
>> http://research.kek.jp/people/ikeda/openIP/
>> If you can't read Japanese, just look at the diagrams and SPICE
>> subcircuits. Should be clear enough.
> Yes, no surprise there -> schematics:
> http://research.kek.jp/people/ikeda/openIP/openIP_16.pdf

Of course. For building blocks at this level, that's entirely  
appropriate. It's when you build complex multichannel systems from  
these blocks that schematics become incomprehensible.

>> The key strength of gEDA here is that you can do this any way you
>> need to for your specific project.
> Well, as we have seen with slotted parts, not any way it's needed.

I think you're confusing wants and needs. It can do slotting just  
fine, but it can't read your mind.

> But
> it can get there, which is why I mentioned the problem.

If you wanted to, you could no doubt solve it with a little scripting  
(I'm still not sure exactly what you want: I can't read your mind  
either). But you'd have to cross a line you've drawn. gEDA is for  
those who enjoy crossing such lines, I think.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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