I run this command:

gschem -p -o ethernet.ps -s ./print.scm ethernet.sch

with this script:

;; $Id: print.scm,v 1.3 2006/08/30 11:06:16 ahvezda Exp $
;; This file may be used to print gschem schematics from the
;; command line.  Typical usage is:
;;   gschem -p -o mysch.ps -s /path/to/this/file/print.scm mysch.sch
;; The schematic in "mysch.sch" will be printed to the file "mysch.ps"

; light background
(load "/envy/dj/geda/share/gEDA/gschem-lightbg")

(output-orientation "landscape")
(output-type "extents")
(output-color "enabled")
(output-text "ps")

; You need call this after you call any rc file function

; filename is specified on the command line
(gschem-postscript "dummyfilename")


but gschem is ignoring it - no prints, no exit, it just brings up
gschem.  Is this new?

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