On Fri, 2009-01-16 at 12:30 -0500, DJ Delorie wrote:
> > Not digital, but this is similar to a load circuit I built in the lab.
> Yeah, something like that.
> Kudos to email-able schematics :-)
> > The actual circuit ended up with most of RLoad in the emitters of
> > the FETs to ensure better balancing.
> Did your FETs have positive or negative thermal coefficients?

Not sure, but the emitter resistors ought to help them share. (Not that
they were drawn in the schematic).

The FETs were SPP80N03. Charts show threshold voltage drops with
increasing temperature, R_DS(on) increases. I'm not sure what the
overall effect would look like.

The emitter resistors are all 10-25W metal heat-sink mount resistors
(not got the rating to hand), mounted on a heat-sink with each
transistor next to its power resistor, a common gnd-bus-bar threaded
through the power resistors, and a power bus bar soldered to the
transistor drains.

This was all semi-dead-bug style, as the gate resistors are also
supported in space by their leads, one end on the mounted FET. another
on a gate-bus bar, terminated on a connector plate mounted one end of
the heat sink.

I can't quite recall, but I think the final design used more than 4
paralleled channels. The whole thing was supposed to burn up to 600W
peak, and was used for programmable load cycling of batteries under

For low voltage cells I had to bootstrap the battery with a lab
power-supply, as the circuit started to have stability problems once it
ran out of head-room.

The control input in my case was a cheap National Instruments DAQ card
analogue output. I did think of designing a switched mode load, but in
the end the simplicity of linear won out.

Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)

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