On Jan 16, 2009, at 3:45 PM, Peter TB Brett wrote:

> Currently, if you 'copy' in gschem and 'paste' in another program,
> nothing useful happens. We should ideally try and use the X
> clipboard.
> I propose that we enable (in the following order):
> 1. Copy in gschem, paste in text editor. Should it paste schematic  
> file
>    source code equivalent to copied elements?
> 2. Copy in gschem, paste in another instance of gschem. How should it
>    handle differences in component library settings between programs?

If the referenced symbol file is not in the destination project  
symbol directory, it should offer to copy the file, or use a  
designated substitute. Of course, that assumes you have a project  
symbol directory facility that gschem understands, instead of doing  
things behind its back. But since that also could help resolve the  
heavy versus light conflict and allow one to avoid embedding symbols...

> 3. Copy in gschem, paste in <program that understands images>. Should
>    paste an image representation of the copied elements.
> I have in mind the use case of "I want this circuit in my OpenOffice
> presentation, let's try the obvious thing to get it there."
>                                         Peter
> -- 
> Peter Brett
> Electronic Systems Engineer
> Integral Informatics Ltd
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