I've made a little library of devices with IO pins with pin labels p and n.   I 
get a netlist with
pin numbers 1 and 2.  I also have model files with same first part as placed 
devices then a .va extension --  cap-va.va

I'm thinking of changing to p and n pin numbers.  Any other suggestions before 
using with gnucap?

How close is this example netlist to loading in gnucap?
module verilog_io (
        GND ,
        C ,

/* Port directions begin here */
inout GND ;
inout C ;
inout A ;

/* Wires from the design */
wire B ;
wire GND ;
wire C ;
wire A ;

/* continuous assignments */

/* Package instantiations */
\cap-va  C1 (
     .\1  ( B ),
     .\2  ( GND )

\ind-va  L1 (
     .\2  ( C ),
     .\1  ( B )

\res-va  R1 (
     .\2  ( B ),
     .\1  ( A )


John Griessen
Ecosensory   Austin TX

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