Stefan Salewski wrote:

> Sorry, what I had in mind was more license than copyright. Most symbols
> at gedasymbols have attributtes something like 
> dist-license: GPL 
> use-license: unlimited
> If I remenber correctly there was no license statement in your file,
> what makes distribution and usage difficult.

yeah there where none because:

olivl...@kartoffel olivleh1> tragesym template_Z8001-1.csv z8001-1.sym
this attribute is not allowed:  use-license GPL
olivl...@kartoffel olivleh1> 

but OK - I will add them manually

> Having a link to a manufacturer datasheet is always a good thing.
> If you cant find it, you have to leave it out. I think a link to a
> general page like is not too useful.

except the zilog chips there will be probably non official documents ;)

 Oliver Lehmann

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