On Wednesday 28 January 2009 01:11:08 Peter Clifton wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 00:56 +0000, Alexander Gvozdev wrote:
> > I'm maintain pcb for pan-russia/ukrainian/belorussian distro (AltLinux).
> > Many people want "jump-up" from "ugly" GTK.
> Still just as ugly for now ;)
> > I may test pcb on various PC.
> > I develop PCBs with 6-8 layers and think, what OpenGL increace randering
> > speed.
> Yes, it does.. although it doesn't fix the time we spend computing
> polygon fills.. which is another common performance problem
> Give the works so far a try:
> http://repo.or.cz/w/geda-pcb/pcjc2.git
> git clone git://repo.or.cz/geda-pcb/pcjc2.git
> git checkout before_pours origin/before_pours
> (Then build as usual).
> The origin/master branch has some other crazy stuff there, like support
> for pour fills which do island removal by connectivity - and keep any
> piece culled piece of a poured region which is connected to other
> entities such as nets, pins etc..
> (This allows me to do one copper fill for the whole board, and not worry
> about having to fill in all the gaps which get culled by PCB's standard
> "keep the largest piece" heuristic).
> > Some question:
> > What about migrating to QT3/4 and C++?
> Nothing stopping someone from writing a GUI in QT (PCB supports multiple
> front-ends). I don't know anyone keen to do the work.
May be I try...

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