This is probably a Mike Jarabek question:

I don't get usable hierarchic netlist output when I have placed schematics and 
use the gnet-verilog.scm back-end.
It drops the module definitions and endmodule statements of the placed symbols 
that refer to schematics.

So, is that the normal behavior, and I need to not use hierarchy, and run 
gnetlist on every schematic, then cat them together?

There seems to be no existing gnetlist concatenate function.  Would handling 
this in scheme be difficult?

By "this" I mean taking all the files referred to by source= attribs and 
running gnet-verilog.scm on each in order,
then putting that to the gnetlist output.   gnet-verilog.scm is ready to create 
a one level netlist -- one module's worth of 

Using a makefile is the obvious thought.  Make could just take a list or all 
.sch in a dir and run them and cat them together
to a filename.

Handling it without make complexity separate from the back end chosen would be 
though, so I ask, "Anyone seen existing scheme code that could use 
source=verilog_io.sch to trigger running it again on the 
referenced file then outputting that to the same place as usual?


John Griessen
Ecosensory   Austin TX

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