On Sat, 2009-02-28 at 16:51 -0800, Ben Jackson wrote:
> I just spent a couple hours debugging a half-broken AVR microcontroller
> which was due to me putting GND and "UGND" (USB GND) far apart on the
> symbol and forgetting to connect GND.  I probably spaced them that way
> to get a nice balance of left and right side pins on my box symbol.
> Perhaps I will figure out how to use the DRC backends of gnetlist now...

Sorry, I can not really see the conclusion of your message.

UGND pin for USB should be near to the other USB related pins, I think.

A uC often has multiple ground pins, which all need connection to
ground. I often put them on the bottom side of the package.

I have just looked on my


there is one more GND pin near XTAL pins -- I think position is good
because quartz will need a connection from XTAL to GND.

Would you suggest to modify the symbols?

Some people prefer symbols identical to package shape , this is
available too:


I think some time ago I suggest an additional pin attribute which
indicate if a pin can be left floating or needs a connection. This may

Best reagrds

Stefan Salewski

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