On Tue, Mar 03, 2009 at 07:05:05PM +0000, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> On Tue, 03 Mar 2009 16:47:28 +0000, David SMITH wrote:
> > From a user's point-of-view, it makes life much easier because they no
> > longer have the hassle of generating Gerbers (e.g. getting the correct
> > version of RS274, putting in the right number of decimal places,
> > including a readme file to indicate which layer is which, etc...)
> There are no such options in the gerber export dialog of pcb.

Maybe not, but it's there in other packages, though, so this info still
needs to be communicated to the fab somehow (as it doesn't go in the
Gerber file itself), or you rely on them making correct assumptions.

Just looking at the FAQs on many of the PCB fab websites, it is clear
that people make all types of mistakes generating Gerbers (layer order
wrong, drill file mistakes, etc...).  Being able to put this process
in the hands of the "professionals" who are doing it all the time just
means that errors are likely to be eliminated.

David Smith            Work Email: dave.sm...@st.com
STMicroelectronics     Home Email: david.sm...@ds-electronics.co.uk
Bristol, England          GPG Key: 0xF13192F2

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