> Did this for the Homebrew_PCBs Yahoo! group, though some >folks here might be 
> interested...

>   http://www.delorie.com/pcb/spirals/

That will be useful for the Atmel TouchLib sensors if
they ever get around to releasing a GCC version.

Spiral this, very old, PostScript file, you'll find it interesting:

/inch { 72 mul } def
/wood-rad 210 def       % radius of wooden disk
/text-rad wood-rad .92 mul def  % radius of outer spiral text
/ben-rad text-rad .46 mul def   % radius of Benham's ring
%/downscale 1 def           % reduction in scale after each letter
/downscale .99700 def           % reduction in scale after each letter
/angle  -2.400   def            % rotation after each letter

/text (Yes I had this problem earlier this year and A. Kinsman \
<kins...@crestone> of Eastman Kodak kindly posted this code \
which produced exactly the effect I wanted and I was very \
pleased indeed to get hold of it - but don't ask me how or why it \
works ...I'm just happy to use it...  ) def

298 390 translate
% place the spiral text
0.0 setgray
/Times-Roman findfont 48 scalefont setfont
0 1 text length 1 sub {
    text exch get ( ) dup 0 4 -1 roll put               % ( char-string -- )
    %V1 dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg text-rad moveto   % ( char-string -- )
    %V2 -.08 inch text-rad moveto       % ( char-string -- )
    0 text-rad moveto   % ( char-string -- )
    -2.2 rotate
    % 1 setlinecap                                      % DEBUG
    % 0 0 rlineto stroke                                % DEBUG
    % dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg text-rad moveto     % DEBUG
    dup show                                       % ( char-string -- )
    downscale dup scale
    stringwidth pop text-rad atan neg rotate
} for
(spiral.ps done) print

%gerry pratt - workstation support programmer - university of keele - ENGLAND
%email:  ge...@seq1.keele.ac.uk ( DYNIX? - just say no!! ) tel:UK 0782 583072
%"these opinions are mine, mine, Mine, Mine, MINE......ALL MINE I TELL YOU!!"

> Yay for text-based file formats :-)

Maybe we should write a PCB version in PostScript. :-)


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