On Samstag, 14. März 2009, joseda wrote:
> When i've finished a simulation i change the colors with the
> instruction set color0=rgb:f/f/f
> set color1=rbg:255/255/255
> This make the graphic how i like (background in white color). But i
> would like this by default to avoid to run the two sentences of set
> colorN.

You can add them to the spinit file. On my box it's located in

It seems that it's not possible to have a different init file for each 
user in the $HOME dir.

> I don't have the file /usr/lib/rgb.txt but i made a 'locate rgb.txt'
> and i found the file /usr/share/X11/rbg.txt and i interchanged the
> names of the colors (where it was written black i wrote white and
> viceversa) then i restarted the computer but Ngspice draw the graphic
> with background in black color. Why? How can i change this?

ngspice doesn't remember this settings, see above.

> >You can launch ngspice with some plots, but not in batch mode.
> >Graphic window and batch mode is contrary.
> Which plots? asciiplots?

No. graphical plots.
(example attached)

Calling the .cir file with 
  ngspice ac_ascii.cir
creates two plot windows.

Calling the .cir file in batch mode
  ngspice -b ac_ascii.cir
throws an error message.


* simulation de RC2
set filetype=ascii
ac dec 100 10k 1000k 

* write ac_ascii.raw

plot V(n1) V(n2)
plot V(n0) V(n2)

.include RC2.net

Attachment: RC2.net
Description: application/pcb-netlist

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