Hello --

I am unhappy to announce that the gEDA Project's application to the
Google Summer of Code was turned down this year.

This year, Google says that they are accepting fewer mentoring orgs so
that they may concentrate on inceasing the number of students staffing
those projects which they accept.  They also say that they removed
some past participants in favor of bringing in new groups.
Apparently, we got caught up in that reshuffling.  You can read more
about it here:


Despite this setback, I want to thank everybody who helped out with
the preparations for this year's GSoC.  If you're a student who wants
to work on gEDA, don't hesitate!  Go ahead and jump in!  You don't
need Google behind you to work on this project.

Also, assuming there is interest in the gEDA developer community, we
will go ahead and try to get into GSoC next year.



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