On Apr 7, 2009, at 3:12 PM, Miles Gazic wrote:

> I have attributes in my symbol files that I mark as "visible".  This
>    makes them visible when editing the .sym file, but NOT when editing
>    the .sch file.

Huh? Not the way it works for me (currently using gEDA/gschem version Unpromoted visible attributes from the sym are  
visible in the schematic, you just can't edit them. Are you sure  
you've marked them visible?

> I do not want them "promoted" (which I think will copy
>    the text of them to the contents of my .sch files, when a symbol is
>    inserted in my schematic).

Put the line:

(always-promote-attributes "")

in your gafrc file. That prevents automatic promotion of nearly  
everything (refdes is an exception). This is a good thing, as you  
understand, for those of us who use symbol libraries to hold project  
design data. The alternative is massive hand editing in gattrib  
whenever you change a part that's used all over the design.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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