On Apr 13, 2009, at 12:12 PM, joseda wrote:

> What's the level parameter? I added my model with its parameters  
> but i don't
> know what is the level 1 bjt

Just change your model parameters to:

.MODEL Q2N2222 NPN (level=1 is=19f bf=150 vaf=100 ikf=0.18 ise=50p  
ne=2.5 br=7.5
+ var=6.4 ikr=12m isc=8.7p nc=1.2 rb=50 re=0.4 rc=0.3 cje=26p tf=0.5n
+ cjc=11p tr=7n xtb=1.5 kf=0.032f af=1)

Without "level=1", ngspice cannot be sure which BJT model formulae it  
should use.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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